Information & Support


HIV/AIDS Legal Centre (HALC)
Providing advocacy, casework and law reform on HIV and viral hepatitis related legal matters.

National Assoc. of People with HIV Australia (NAPWHA)
Representing community-based groups of people living with HIV (PLHIV).

HepLink Australia Call 1800 437 222 
Confidential, free and localised viral hepatitis information and support services available to anyone, anywhere in Australia.

New South Wales

Community Legal Centres NSW
Community legal centres providing free advice and resources in NSW.

Hepatitis NSW
Information about viral hepatitis and the programs, resources and supports available in NSW.

Positive Life NSW
Information, referral and advice for people living with HIV in NSW.

Multicultural HIV and Hepatitis Service
Works with culturally diverse communities and health services in NSW to reduce the impacts of HIV and viral hepatitis.

South Australia

Community Legal Centres SA
Community legal centres providing free advice and resources in South Australia.

Hepatitis SA
Information about viral hepatitis and the programs, resources and supports available in South Australia.

MOSAIC Blood Borne Viruses Support Services
As part of Relationships Australia, MOSAIC provides counselling, advocacy and information to support the health and emotional wellbeing of people living with and affected by HIV and Viral Hepatitis in South Australia.

Positive Life SA
Information, advocacy, and support for positive people in South Australia.

Support, education and training about sexual health and HIV for the broader LGBTIQ community in South Australia.


Community Legal Centres QLD
Providing free advice and resources in Queensland.

Hepatitis QLD
Information about viral hepatitis and the programs, resources and supports available in Queensland.

Queensland Positive People
Programs and services to help people live well with HIV.

Western Australia

Community Legal Centres WA
Providing free advice and resources in Western Australia.

Hepatitis WA
Information about viral hepatitis and the programs, resources and supports available in Western Australia.

Providing sexual health and support services including counselling, testing, peer mentoring, education and training.


Community Legal Centres ACT
Community legal centres providing free advice and resources in the Canberra region.

Hepatitis ACT
Information about viral hepatitis and the programs, resources and supports available to the ACT community.

Facilitating access to appropriate, quality support services for people living with and impacted by HIV and AIDS in the Canberra region.


Community Legal Centres VIC
Providing free advice and resources in Victoria.

LiverWELL (Incorporating Hepatitis Victoria)
LiverWELL, incorporating Hepatitis Victoria, champions the interests of people affected by or at risk of viral hepatitis and liver disease.

Living Positive Victoria
Representing people living with HIV in Victoria and committed to the advancement of human rights and wellbeing of all people living with HIV.

Multicultural Health & Support Service (MHSS)
Working to reduce the impacts of STIs and BBVs among people of refugee and migrant backgrounds, asylum seekers and international students.

Positive Women Victoria
Health promotion, advocacy and peer support for woman living with HIV in Victoria.

Northern Territory

Community Legal Centres NT
Providing free advice and resources in the Northern Territory.

Northern Territory AIDS & Hepatitis Council
Providing a broad-based community response to Blood Borne Viruses in the Northern Territory.


Community Legal Centres TAS
Providing free advice and resources in Tasmania.

Tasmanian Council on AIDS, Hepatitis and Related Diseases
Information about programs, resources and supports available for people living with viral hepatitis and HIV in Tasmania.

“This important project will have a tremendously beneficial impact on the lives of people living with blood borne viruses. This project will assist HALC to provide direct legal advice and representation to people with BBVs nationally, and break down legal barriers to their participation in the community.”

Alexandra Stratigos, former Principal Solicitor, HALC

“ASHM’s priority is the health and wellbeing of people living with HIV and hepatitis B, and better legal support means better health outcomes.”

Benjamin Riley, Policy and Public Affairs Manager, ASHM