Legal Needs Study (LeNS)

Health+Law is inviting people living with HIV or hepatitis B to participate in new research about their life and health.

We want to learn about people’s experience with migration & visas, employment, Centrelink, health services and more.

We want to better understand the impact of different laws on careers, mental and physical health, family life and engagement with community.

Do you have a story or experience you would like to share?

Use the buttons below to find out more and register for a confidential interview via Zoom (you can choose telephone, audio-only or video). Our Research Coordinator, Katrina Mathieson, will then be in touch to book in a time and answer any questions you may have.

Participants will receive a $50 gift card as a token of our appreciation. For interviews that exceed an hour, participants will receive an $80 gift card.

“I really liked the interview. I don’t think that I ever had the opportunity to talk about my experience in such detail.”
– Laurence

“Thanks for asking me to do an interview…and for letting me share my feelings…I hope it will help people to understand more about what we have to go through…”
– Maria

“Hepatitis B is one of Australia’s most significant blood-borne viruses. It is heartening to know that we will soon have the first high quality, community owned and driven data on the legal needs and experiences facing this community.”

Carrie Fowlie, former CEO, Hepatitis Australia

“If we're going to have a chance at ending HIV transmissions and improving quality of life for positive people, we need to better understand the legal issues facing people living with HIV today.”

Aaron Cogle, Executive Director, NAPWHA