Health+Law is a research partnership to identify and eliminate legal barriers to testing and treatment for people living with hepatitis B and HIV in Australia.

Legal Needs Study (LeNS)

LeNS is the first-ever national study investigating everyday experiences of law among people living with hepatitis B and HIV in Australia.

Our Partners

Our Major Activities


Legal Needs Study (LeNS)

A national survey and in-depth interviews with people living with HIV or hepatitis B, to create Australia’s first comprehensive evidence-base of legal barriers and enablers to health, testing and treatment.


Understanding impacts of
legal barriers

A comparison of the impacts of different legal barriers on health, testing and treatment.


Legal needs screening
& referral tool

The development of an STI/BBV legal needs screening & referral tool for people working across the continuum of health service delivery.


Specialist legal

The establishment of a national network of accredited, specialist STI/BBV legal services providers.

“The project will break new ground in our understanding of the effects of migration status and Medicare ineligibility on health, testing and treatment. These are urgent questions, and critical to our understanding of the relationship between legal needs and health.”

Dr Anthea Vogl, Faculty of Law, UTS

“We know that all types of law affect people’s quality of life and their ability to get the health outcomes they deserve. We will be tackling legal issues relating to migration, criminal law, public health measures and discrimination as well as less obvious ones like family law, insurance, and employment.”

Dr David Carter, Faculty of Law & Justice, UNSW Sydney